Tryst: Sign cautions against restroom trysts

During my work trip to Las Vegas, we had our final after-party at Tryst, a nightclub in the Wynn that has an outdoor section featuring a manmade waterfall – pretty amazing. Tryst bathroom restroom Las Vegas

Tryst’s restroom was all sorts of confusing. After fighting my way through the mass of partiers in the club, I ended up at the exit and not the restroom. I asked someone to point me in the right direction so I didn’t have to keep squeezing between drunk people who were likely to spill their cocktails all over my Tory Burch flipflops. I finally found the restroom, and it was equally confusing inside. I waited in line for a while – typical of a bathroom at a bar or club late at night – and as I got closer to the front, the restroom’s strange construction started to make sense. The stalls were arranged in a circle around a circular sink unit in the center of the room, so the line kept snaking around the sink as a bathroom attendant directed traffic to the stalls and gave out paper towels after women finished washing their hands. The sink structure was covered with metallic gold tiles – very fancy and Vegas-y.

Funny Vegas restroom moment? A placard above each toilet said: “Lewd, inappropriate behavior or the use or possession of illegal substances on these premises is strictly prohibited and will result in removal from the property. ONE PERSON PER STALL.” I feel like these are obvious rules that are taken for granted everywhere on Earth except in Las Vegas.

Restroom Rating: [rating=3]

Tryst bathroom restroom Las Vegas

Tryst bathroom restroom Las Vegas

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