There’s something new around here… Restroom ratings have arrived!

I got a new job over the summer…sort of. I sit in the same desk; I’m on the same team (albeit with a new name); I have the same boss. But things at work are different — and it’s not just the fact that I now eat homemade peanut butter at lunch instead of the store-bought natural stuff. A former internal / employee communications queen, these days, I’ve switched gears to focus on external stuff, especially a whole new-ish field of content marketing. I’m so jazzed up about this stuff that I spent hours researching content marketing during the holiday downtime, and I figured a good place to start was with my own blog.

When I started the Porcelain Press in 2011, some readers suggested that I add restroom ratings to each post. I was generally opposed, partly because I didn’t know how to do something fancy like that in WordPress, but mostly because I didn’t care about letting people know how bathrooms ranked on a cleanliness scale. After reviewing more than 250 restrooms, though, I realized that I’ve developed my own subconscious restroom rating system, and I can converse — quite eloquently, I like to think — about the pros and cons of each bathroom I visit, relative to all of the others I’ve seen during the past two years. Time to formalize a restroom rating system.

So, this past weekend, I put my research hat back on and figured out how to add a rating system in WordPress (you’ll now notice stars at the bottom of each post), and then I sat at my dining room table for at least six hours, adding a restroom rating to every post. You can learn more about how the Porcelain Press restroom rating system works here; it will help you understand what, in my eyes, makes a bathroom one of the best, and how restrooms compare to one another. From that page, you can also access lists that break down all of my restroom posts by the number of stars they received.

I’m super excited about this new part of the Porcelain Press and hope you are, too. Add a comment to let me know what you think!

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